2007 Accepted Papers
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Gimbert, Belinda. Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy, Educational Administration, The Ohio State University, College of Education. Supervision and Student Achievement: Can We Make the Connection?
Jacobs, Jennifer. Texas State University- San Marcos. A Focus On Equity: Supervision and the Achievement of all Students
Supervision as a Field of Study? An Open Forum - This is a link that includes papers authored by the following individuals: Daisy Arredondo Rucinski, The University of Alabama; Noreen B. Garman, University of Pittsburgh: Jeffrey Glanz, Yeshiva University: Stephen P. Gordon, Texas State University, San Marcos; Helen M. Hazi, West Virginia University; Patricia Holland, University of Houston; Marcia Knoll, Hunter College of the City University; and Edward Pajak, Johns Hopkins University
Supervision as Professional Development: Compatible or Strange Bedfellows in the Policy Quest for Increased Student Achievement? - Daisy Arredondo Rucinski, The University of Alabama and Helen M. Hazi, West Virginia University.
Professional Growth Models of Teacher Evaluation: How do they Promote Student Achievement? Kathleen Topolka Jorissen, Western Carolina University
Supervision and the Moral Character of Learning and Teaching. Robert J. Starratt, Boston College
Supervision Connecting and Improving Teaching and Student Achievement - Through Team-Based Assessment. Karen S. Wetherill Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington
Superintendent Instructional Leadership:Meeting the Needs of Diverse Populations. Cynthia A. Edwards, Tarleton State University